Water is an essential nutrient for human survival and well-being. Weight loss, an improved complexion and reduced toxins are some of the benefits that drinking eight glasses of water a day can give you!
However, we can not leave aside the fact that fluoride exists naturally in water sources and that it’s a decay-preventive element that maintains and improves your oral health. Thus, if your primary source of drinking water comes from bottled water, you might not be getting enough of this cavity-fighting mineral.
Five Facts about bottled water:
- The dental community's concern over bottled water stems from the fact that most brands do not contain fluoride. This is due to the filtration or distillation process that most beverage companies use to improve the taste of water which eliminates some, if not all, of the natural occurring fluoride ions contained in ground water that fights cavities and tooth decay.
- Another major criticism of bottled water is the bottle itself. Plastic bottles are made out of Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a material collected from curbside recycling which may contain a substantial quantity of estrogen-mimicking pollution or antioxidants which can affect our health.
- Moreover, researchers have found that the rate of total dissolved solids in bottled water is 4 times higher than in ground water.
- Further studies have shown the presence of contaminant levels for mercury, thallium and thorium in many bottled water brands. Exposure to these contaminants for a long period of time can cause liver and kidney damage.
- Finally, the purity level and mineral-containing ingredients of bottled waters depends on its particular manufacturing process. To make sure the water you drink is safe and contains the right levels of fluoride always read the label on the back or contact its supplier.
How does Fluoride help my teeth?
Fluoride fights the growing bacteria, or plaque, that accumulates on our teeth. These bacteria normally produce harmful acids that dissolve the hard enamel surfaces of teeth. If it is not stopped or treated on time, the bacteria can break through the enamel causing cavities or tooth decay. Here is where fluoride plays an essential role as it prevents and stops the acid produced by bacteria. It may even repair damaged teeth by remineralizing the enamel. Thus, fluoride is a beneficial mineral that not only combats tooth decay but also helps strengthen the developing teeth of your children.
How do I know if I am getting enough Fluoride?
Optimal levels of fluoride fall between 0.7 and 1.2 ppm (parts fluoride per million parts of water). If you are a regular bottled water drinker, read the label on the back of the bottle to make sure you are getting the fluoride you need, if not contact our Burbank dentist for a flouride treatment. If you quench your thirst with regular tap water, contact your water supplier to find out about the fluoride levels on it.
What treatment can I receive if I have a Fluoride deficiency?
During a regular check up visit with our Burbank dentist, our caring dental team can surely let you know if your teeth need to be fluoridated. If so, a fluoride treatment is simple! It consists of applying a gel into a mouth guard which you only have to wear for a few minutes. Afterwards, you can continue an in-home treatment using a recommended fluoridated toothpaste or gel to ensure you receive the proper amount of fluoride.
Finally, it is relevant to mention that a good oral health does not ONLY depend on the quantity of fluoride your teeth receive every day. Maintaining a good oral health is a result of your overall dental care: attending regular visits with our Burbank dentist, brushing and flossing at least twice a day, keeping a balanced diet, and drinking fluoridated water.
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